Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What, ANOTHER walking tour?

Yes, folks, now that we finished the first walking tour, we're starting on the second. We figure if we keep breaking them into little pieces we'll see all that Cambridge has to offer without getting too exhausted. At least that's the theory. So now we're working on the blue route map walking tour, which includes gardens, museums, and churches. Yesterday we definitely emphasized the museums as you'll see below. We needed a break from all of the old churches so we can appreciate them again.

First up was the Museum of Zoology. They have a huge whale outside. This whale was beached in 1865, which prompted Jeremy to ask whether it was a Union or Confederate whale. Fortunately, it was beached in England, so it was probably a Royal whale. :)

Darwin was a student at Cambridge, and it's a big deal anniversary this year - I think of the Beagle voyage - so there are exhibits everywhere. This museum had work from when he was a student as well as collections he created on the Beagle voyage.
These are the famous finches Darwin wrote about.
The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology had some really interesting displays, like this totem pole from Canada.

Jeremy plays with a voice box in the Bodies exhibit. There was a variety of things on display - art, scientific models, and medical models all designed to get one thinking about your body. This display was fun - you'd move your hands inside and cool sounds would come out.

At the Sedgwick Museum of Geology, we had to take a picture of a dinosaur to take home to our niece Natalie, who is a budding paleontologist. I put Uncle Jeremy in the picture so she could see how tall a real dinosaur is. This one is called an Iguanodon bernissartensis. I call it something I wouldn't want to meet up with in the park.

Another dinosaur - this one is a Plesiosaur.
It was a low key day for pictures and also for us - I actually fell asleep at 9:00 p.m.! I think that may be a sign we've been doing a lot.
Today the plan was to update the blog, and then we're going to dinner with one of the law profs who is leaving. Tomorrow, we're touring the Inner and Outer Courts in London, and from there we're heading to Dublin for the weekend. Hopefully you enjoyed all of these numerous updates today, and you can expect more early next week!

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