Thursday, July 2, 2009

City Kids at the Farm

It's only appropriate that my last post for the month from Kansas actually LOOKS like Kansas. :)

Jeremy and I went to Hays and Palco this past weekend to visit his grandparents and his aunt Marcy. On Saturday evening, Marcy suggested that we go visit her friends, Glen and Jane, who were working on the wheat harvest. They were SO super nice and answered a billion questions, and also gave us rides on their combine! We were really excited to "help" with the harvest - Jeremy rode in the truck to the grain elevator, and I helped move a car from one end of the field to another - which Marcy tells me really did save some time since there were 3 people instead of 2 to move the three cars that needed to be moved. Here are some pictures of the evening - I know you will all be amazed at these two "city slickers" actually working on a farm. You can also tell how appropriately we're dressed - shorts and flip flops aren't the best idea for a wheat field!

Jeremy in the combine

Jeremy at the combine. You can see how big it is!

Either the wheat is tall, or I am short. Well, let's say both.

Jeremy's self-portrait. He's not THAT much taller than the wheat - this wheat had already been cut.

Keri in the combine.

Farmer Jane

A beautiful view of the farm.

And this is quite possibly one of the best pics I've ever taken! The flash accidentally went off, but it turned out that just highlighted the wheat in the foreground. Of course, the picture doesn't do justice to the actual sunset - they never do!
In other news, we are leaving for Britain today! I'm not sure how regularly I'll have a chance to update the blog, but I am definitely planning to do so as often as I can. Stay tuned for pictures and updates!

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