Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Catching up

I just downloaded Jeremy's pictures from his camera, so before I update you on the happenings of the last few days, I thought I'd share some pictures from earlier that he took.

Mmmmm.... English Breakfast.

The capsules on the London Eye.

Keri on the London Eye with Big Ben and Parliament in the background.

A great shot of Big Ben and Parliament, taken on the London Eye.

London has these pedestrian subways which are really handy for crossing the streets in busy areas.

The ceiling in the Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford. Beautiful!

The Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford. Pictures just don't do this place justice, at all.

A self-portrait at the top of the Sheldonian Theatre. The goal was to get the view of Oxford in the background.

Keri and Sheyda, in the simultaneous rain and sun that seems to be the weather every day here.

Christ College in Oxford.

Cambridge's Market Square. You can buy pretty much anything here - fruit and veg, sausage, jewelry, souvenirs, you name it.

Jeremy enjoying English Shortbread with caramel on top. I think this has been a trip highlight for him, which means I'm going to be trying new recipes when we get home.

A view of one of Cambridge's streets. I posted this one to show you how small and narrow everything is. Also, Jeremy must have learned some picture taking techniques from my mom since we have a shot of me walking away. :)

I've got several more posts coming this morning - the Cambridge backs, our weekend in London, and the conclusion of part one of the Cambridge walking tour.

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