Friday, July 31, 2009

Cheers, Cambridge!

Over the last couple of days, we've been squeezing in the last few touristy things that we hadn't yet done in the city. Here are some highlights.

These signs are everywhere - Cambridge University is celebrating it's 800th year this year. We really hit the anniversary cycle! It's also the 900th of the Ely Diocese of the Anglican church, the 250th of the Guinness brewery, the 200th of Darwin's birth, the 100th of the London Tube, and the 10th of my high school graduation. Yeah, that last part's not related, but thought I'd throw it out there since I'm missing the reunion this weekend. Hi Mojo grads!

We took the City bus tour and learned many interesting stories about particular colleges as well as the city. I also got this great shot of the Kings College chapel since I had my camera ready... now. :) Yes, it really said that on the recorded tour!

We also visited Sidney Sussex college which houses Oliver Cromwell's skull in the chapel. I'm not sure where the rest of him is buried. Oliver died, and then later was dug up and beheaded for treason. They put his head on a stake on a bridge in London, where the birds and the elements had at him... yuck!! Some lucky guy found his skull later and brought him back to the college. What a gift huh - here's a skull of a famous alum. I'd like to see what the guy who received that gift said in return!!

As part of the tour, we also visited the American War Cemetery. It is the only World War II cemetery dedicated to Americans in Great Britain, and it is maintained by the American government. It was absolutely beautiful and I'm glad we got a chance to see it. These next few shots are all from there.

A grave of an unknown soldier. It's a little hard to read, but it says "Here lies a comrade in arms known but to God."

The view from the flagpole towards the chapel.

This wall has listed all of the troops who are either missing in action or buried at sea. Names of note include Glenn Miller of the Glenn Miller Orchestra, and Joseph Kennedy Jr - son of Joe Kennedy and brother to John and Ted.

The graves

Another nice view of the graves

Inside the chapel

This map is made of stone and brass and is located inside the chapel. It shows all of the military movements of the war.

Yesterday, we took a chauffeured punt. You may remember that we attempted punting near the beginning of the trip, but we hadn't yet done "real punting" as Jeremy calls it. We had a great guide who took us up and down the Backs in 45 minutes.
Aww, aren't we cute?

Trinity Hall from the Backs. I learned that this library was made to look like a ship coming out into the river.

Another view of Trinity Hall.

Our punter. He was very chatty - we learned later that he was half Irish. I'm telling you, it's in the genes.

Another cute picture of us, in case you're not sick of us already! :)

That's it for Cambridge - we are leaving pretty much as soon as I finish this post and turn off the computer. Tonight, we are staying in London and going to see a play with Sheyda and her family. Then, tomorrow, we're heading to the U.S. just in time for the 20th anniversary party for the Sandbar (another anniversary!). The next thing you see from me will probably be when we're home. I hope you've enjoyed all of our updates the past month - I've enjoyed blogging about it! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. I have really enjoyed your trip posts. You have done a fantastic job with your pictures. Some are quite professional! Thank you for sharing your home with us when we were in Lawrence. We tried to leave everything as we found it!
