Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cambridge walking tour, part two

We finished the first Cambridge walking tour on Monday.

This is Trinity College, which was off-limits to visitors for some reason. We're planning to go back next week to check out the inside.

Trinity College and the view down the street.

This monument said it marked the site of an old church. I thought it was a neat way to remember the church that had fallen into ruin, and I also wondered how it fell when there are so many old things around here. It made for a nice garden though.

The next college we visited was St. John's College, and most of these photos are from there. This is their chapel which is beautiful on the outside. We didn't get to go in because they have a very famous choir that was recording in there.

Some pretty ceiling work.

The dining hall, being set up for dinner. Honestly, I feel a little jipped that Penland Dining Hall wasn't set up like this every evening!

The view of the "new" part of St. John's with the incredible gardens.

Ivy growing up the walls

My attempt at conveying how big these ivy leaves are.

Spiral staircase, pretty cool view from the bottom of it

Another nice view of St. John's "new" part

Jeremy at the St. John's College bridge

Keri with the Bridge of Sighs in the background. This was named after the Venetian bridge because it's a covered bridge - but that's about the only similarity.

Magdalene (pronounced Maud-lin) Bridge, which is the oldest part of the city. The original bridge was here, which gives Cambridge its name (bridge over the River Cam).

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