Thursday, July 23, 2009

Trains, Ferries, and Taxis, oh my!

Our last day in Ireland was actually a day set aside for travel. In short, our day went like this - walk, tram, walk, taxi, walk, train, walk, ferry, train, another train, walk, train, taxi, and walk. :) In the process of doing that, we saw some beautiful countryside! Here's a little bit of the journey.

As a reminder - if you're reading this on facebook and can't see the pictures, click "see original post" down at the bottom to go directly to the blog.

Jeremy and the luggage pose at the pier. It was pronounced "Dun Leary" but there's no way that I can spell it the way the Irish do.

Trucks (lorries) unloading from the ferry as it arrived to pick us up. Just wanted to show how large this boat is!

The interior of the ferry. It was like a big floating restaurant/casino.

Keri looking merry on the ferry (sorry, couldn't resist)

A lighthouse leaving Dublin

Irish countryside

A castle in Wales where the ferry landed

Jeremy in Wales. We got a whole weekend in the homeland of my people, he gets five minutes in the homeland of the Prichards. That's fair, right? Kidding!!

We also thought this bridge was really neat.

The train station.

I'm not totally sure what this is, but it was neat looking so I took a picture. Maybe a silo?

Believe it or not, these white dots are sheep. It's really hard to take pics of sheep in a moving train! Sheep were everywhere - it's like cattle in Western Kansas.

Jeremy loves it when his wife tries to get action shots of him reading on the train. Clearly.

More countryside in Wales - near the ocean.

A beautiful rainbow!!
We've been busy this week since we've been back as well. My next post will tell you all about yesterday's side trip to Ely. See you then!

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