Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm home already!

First of all, I apologize for any incoherence in this post! I haven't taken any painkillers yet but I'm still numbed up and a little foggy - I almost feel a little drunk. :)

I had the surgery this morning and all went well. The surgeon told Jeremy and mom that the neuroma was really big, a couple of times, so I guess he was a little surprised about that.

I got some relaxing medicine in my IV on the way to the surgery room and it was way cool. I'd compare it to having about half a glass of wine when you start feeling relaxed. Then when I got there, the anesthesiologist said, "Ok, here's the sleepy time medicine" and I said "okay" and that was it! Next thing I remember I was waking up in recovery. I felt fairly good right away but definitely like it was the end of a long evening of margaritas - and I was pretty chatty! Shocking, I know.

We're home now and I've got ice and a boot. I've been SUPER thirsty - I downed three glasses of water at the surgical center, then a large lemonade from Chickfila on the way home (plus some chicken minis - I can't pass up a chance for Chickfila!). So far so good!

The numbing medicine should wear off around noon-ish and then I'll start the Vicodin, so we'll see how things go from there. It should be an interesting afternoon! :)

Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts. I'll still be laid up for a week or so but I'll be checking email and stuff, so feel free to say hi!

Hopefully Jeremy can add some comments to anything I left out.


  1. Glad to hear it went well! Be careful with the Vicodin...I took that when I had my wisdom teeth out and my stomach got really sick.

  2. Glad to hear that all went well! I pray that you have a quick recovery and are back up and on your feet in no time!!
