Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stitches are out!

Just a quick update... my stitches are out! I can now finally bathe my foot again, which is a huge relief. It actually didn't smell as bad as I thought it would, haha.

I took a picture for those who are interested in that sort of thing - but it's made a couple of my friends squeamish so I won't post it. If you'd like to see it, drop me an email or leave me a comment. It basically looks bruised with a healing cut where my scar is developing. The doctor and the nurse both thought it looked really good, but my non-medical friends thought it looked gross... so that should give you a vague idea!

I'm under orders to continue taking it fairly easy for the next two weeks and wear my boot when I do any walking - exceptions being getting in and out of the shower, or a quick bathroom trip at night (Jeremy's bathroom is all of 5 feet from where I sleep).

I go back in two weeks for another check, and after that I should be able to start wearing matching shoes if all goes according to plan. I'm still on the anti-inflammatories until at least that time as well.

So to sum up, so far so good!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Getting out!

As you can imagine, it's pretty hard to be cooped up in my house... especially over a break from school. Mom and Kristi got me out today to get mom a haircut and then to get a few things at Target. Target's a really big store with hard floors, so here was the foot pain solution!!

Hehehe! In other news, I'm weaning myself off the Vicodin and going towards regular Tylenol. It seems to be going ok so far! I am looking forward to being able to shop at Target without the motor scooter, but one step at a time.

I also have some fun pictures of my foot right after surgery, but decided not to post them for the squeamish. If you're interested in seeing them, let me know and I'll email them to you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm home already!

First of all, I apologize for any incoherence in this post! I haven't taken any painkillers yet but I'm still numbed up and a little foggy - I almost feel a little drunk. :)

I had the surgery this morning and all went well. The surgeon told Jeremy and mom that the neuroma was really big, a couple of times, so I guess he was a little surprised about that.

I got some relaxing medicine in my IV on the way to the surgery room and it was way cool. I'd compare it to having about half a glass of wine when you start feeling relaxed. Then when I got there, the anesthesiologist said, "Ok, here's the sleepy time medicine" and I said "okay" and that was it! Next thing I remember I was waking up in recovery. I felt fairly good right away but definitely like it was the end of a long evening of margaritas - and I was pretty chatty! Shocking, I know.

We're home now and I've got ice and a boot. I've been SUPER thirsty - I downed three glasses of water at the surgical center, then a large lemonade from Chickfila on the way home (plus some chicken minis - I can't pass up a chance for Chickfila!). So far so good!

The numbing medicine should wear off around noon-ish and then I'll start the Vicodin, so we'll see how things go from there. It should be an interesting afternoon! :)

Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts. I'll still be laid up for a week or so but I'll be checking email and stuff, so feel free to say hi!

Hopefully Jeremy can add some comments to anything I left out.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A mini-vacation in KC

Jeremy and I really felt the need for a vacation this spring break, but since we're saving up for England and we have my foot surgery later this week, funds and time were limited. We thought we'd take a page out of the recession playbook and had a "staycation" right here in our own area.

We spent today in the famous 18th and Vine district in KCMO. Here's Jeremy at that very intersection.

Our first stop was the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum. Jeremy has been wanting to go here forever. I was really pleasantly surprised at how well this museum is put together. I learned a little about baseball and a lot about baseball's leadership in desegregating our nation. It's pretty crazy to think that it hasn't been all that long since our nation has had this experience - Jackie Robinson started playing in the major leagues in just 1947. We've also learned about a couple of neat connections we have to the league - my Papa remembers seeing Satchel Paige pitch, and Jeremy's mom's boyfriend's dad actually played in the Negro Leagues.

Here are some pictures from the museum. Sorry about the darkness in some of them - I wasn't really supposed to take any so I wasn't using a flash. :)

We took a break for lunch at Arthur Bryant's BBQ. Arthur Bryant's is one of those places that people say you HAVE to go to in KC, but we'd never been. The barbecue here is WONDERFUL and the sauce was absolutely HEAVENLY. We will definitely be making a repeat trip (not too often though - not sure my arteries could handle it!). You'll see Jeremy pictured here with the meat plate which we thankfully decided to share. We could have easily shared with another couple!

The final trip of the day was to the American Jazz Museum. We had a great time in here as well, but neglected to take any pictures inside. Here's a picture of me with the Charlie Parker memorial outside - conveniently holding my cup from Arthur Bryant's to summarize the day.

We're now back home and watching the Baylor Bears play in their first ever Big 12 Tournament Championship game. Hopefully they'll take their cue from the girls who won earlier today!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sic 'Em some more!

Baylor just beat Texas 76-70. First time to beat the Longhorns in 25 games!! This also means Baylor's playing in the Big 12 Tournament Championship game tomorrow!

I'm rooting for OSU in this next game, for two reasons.
1) We all hate Mizzou around here, so really that should be reason enough.
2) If OSU is in the championship too, that guarantees that history will be made. No team has ever won the Big 12 Tournament without having a first round bye. Baylor didn't and neither did OSU, so, that would be pretty neat.

And on the girl's side, Baylor beat OSU 67-62. They will play in the semis tomorrow. See, we even have some experience beating the Cowboys on the Bears' side - surely we can do it on the boy's side too! :)

More good news tomorrow hopefully!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sic 'Em Bears!!

Baylor 71, Kansas 64

I am wearing a Baylor shirt today at my elementary school which is just less than a mile away from Allen Fieldhouse. I've been known to do that when Baylor plays KU just to get the sympathy of all my friends... after all, I cheer for KU in every other game of the year. Today, as you can see, I didn't get ANY sympathy. I might have also gloated just a little bit.

As I told Jeremy, Baylor needed to win. KU already has a lock into the NCAA tournament, and Baylor can only get in if they win the Big 12 Tournament this weekend. He wasn't really buying it. I just hope I'm not going to end up sleeping on the couch! :)

Baylor will play the winner of K-state vs. Texas tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. Sic 'Em Bears!!

Before I leave out the women's side - the tournament starts for the Baylor girls on Saturday at 5:00 when they play the winner of Tech vs. OSU.

Don't worry, Jayhawk fans - I'm sure you'll see many KU related posts as March Madness begins next week!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Julie's shower

Ok, I know, I'm late in blogging about this... but here are some pictures from Julie's shower on Saturday! If you've checked out my friend's blogs on the side, you've already seen some highlights. It was a really fun day and we are super excited to welcome baby Molly very soon - April 5 or sooner!! :)

The table set with Megan's and my china. It was crazy how well they worked together! Check out the awesome cake Megan made, and that's big sis-to-be Grace.
The mom-to-be with the spread of food. Her sash says mom-to-be and the tiara says mother-to-be. Our theme was "Baby Bling" so of course we had to go all out!

Some of the decorations for the table. We put Megan's cricut to good use.

Julia (who we'll be having a shower for soon!), Julie, Megan, and I. I think this is one of the few pictures where I'm not wearing heels, so you can see how short I REALLY am when compared to my friends.

And here is Julie with the beautiful blanket my mom made for Molly. I think Mom should start an album... but of course I thought of this after Natalie, Peyton, Keegan, Isaac, and several other beautiful babies already are growing up with theirs!! Maybe those mommies should send mine a picture. :)
If you haven't already, check out Julie's and Megan's blog for more pictures!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pre-op appointment

I had my pre-op appointment yesterday, so I thought I'd share a brief update, although I guess there isn't much to update...

Many of my friends have asked about the procedure. I found this pic on the internet and thought it might help make more sense.

The picture on the left shows where they'll cut the nerve, and then the blue picture on the right shows where I'll probably lose sensation after the surgery.

The doc thinks that I'll be able to walk the same day with a post-op shoe, although I won't like it much. I'll be lying pretty low for a few days, and I'll be taking pain meds, so feel free to drop by and laugh at the hilarious things I'm saying. :)

The dressing is changed after a couple days, and stitches come out after 10. I'll be in the post-op shoe for 3 and a half weeks, and then I'll be allowed to wear pretty much any shoe I want as long as I'm comfortable. Somehow I think it will still be a while before I'm back in heels - but some shoes that actually match would be a bonus!

That's the brief update on that... I'll be sure to blog after the surgery as well to keep everyone posted!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sic Em Bears!

Thought I'd share this link about the newest Baylor girls' basketball recruit - a girl who "dunks like a guy" according to NBC sports. When I was at BU, Coach Mulkey was just starting our headway into the world of women's basketball. She's a super cool lady, and obviously a great recruiter as this story shows. Maybe we'll see another championship in the years to come!