Saturday, February 28, 2009

Odds and Ends

It seems like we have nothing going on that is big enough for a whole blog post of it's own, but here are a few updates of life around here.

Jeremy was sick this past week, and he is NEVER sick. He woke up Tuesday with a super high fever and his throat was scratchy and swollen. I thought it might be strep throat, but the test was negative... the doctor thinks it's either mono or an adenovirus (which is a super nasty cold). Luckily, the medicine seems to be working somewhat, and he's getting somewhat better. If only I'd gotten around to buying stock in Halls cough drops, we would have been set!

Soccer is still going well. Next week is the last week. The boys have gotten much better as the season's gone on, and we're really proud of them (and their coaches!). Check out Julie's blog - The Urban Life over there on your right - for pictures and updates from today's game. Her son Ben had the game of his life, it was awesome!!

Speaking of Julie, a week from today is her baby shower, and Molly's going to be here in a little over a month if all goes according to plan. I think she'll be here sooner than that! I'll be sure to post some pictures next week. I'd tell you more about it now, but that would spoil surprises for Julie!

We also FINALLY had some measurable snow in the KC area today. If you've seen any of my pictures from any of the five and a half years I've lived here, you know that it's pretty rare to get all the way to February with it only snowing once or twice. We got something like two and a half inches of wet snow, and the sun has already melted a lot of it. Hopefully kids will have a chance to get outside and make a snowman before it's all gone tomorrow. It's like Odessa snow - there for a day and then it vanishes! :)

I'm getting ready for mom and Kristi to come up for a visit. They'll be here the week of the foot surgery to help me out. I should probably get back to cleaning out the guest room - I have pictures and random things kind of thrown everywhere in there at the moment! Talk to you all soon!

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