Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My spring break plans

What are you doing for spring break? Ask that around here and you hear various answers. Some people are responsible and doing things like catching up on research, repainting a room in their house, or catching up on that project they've been meaning to get to. More people are doing fun things -whether it is something crafty around the house, taking a vacation, or just vegging in front of the TV for a week straight. Not me. For MY spring break this year, I'm getting surgery. Woo hoo!! Party time!!!

I went back to the podiatrist in KC on Tuesday to determine what next steps we should take with my foot. Those of you who have been around lately know that the meds aren't really effective for anything other than making me even goofier than usual, and an occasional dizzy spell. We've now reached the six month mark of my foot pain (yes, you read that correctly, it's been the whole school year), which generally indicates that conservative treatments aren't going to work if they haven't already. The doctor gave me the option of trying cortisone shots (which I had a reaction to last time) or going ahead and scheduling surgery.

After much consideration, I decided to go ahead with the surgery. Cortisone shots generally don't seem to be a permanent solution in many cases, and surgery would have to be put off until the summer if I went that route in order for me to have enough sick time to cover it. For an exact description of what all that entails go here:

Surgery will be March 17 at the Johnson County Surgery Center. Hopefully they will give me a green surgical gown! It's kind of weird, but I am looking forward to it... or at least looking forward to the pain-free foot I should have after it's completely healed. Mom's also planning to come up to help out for a few days so Jeremy doesn't have to take the whole burden, so I'm looking forward to her visit too. I know the surgery itself and immediate recovery won't be fun, but I'm trying not to think about that too much until it gets closer.

If you think of questions I should ask my doc or have any general good advice about having surgery, feel free to post a comment.

Maybe by summer I'll be back in matching shoes again!!!

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