Saturday, April 4, 2009

Our weekend

Just thought I'd share some shots from our weekend so far. I realize it's not over, but it's supposed to be crappy weather tomorrow which means I'll spend the day in sweatpants - I'm not sure you need to see that! :)

This weekend was the KU-MU conference sponsored by the KU History Graduate Student Organization. We had a party last night at a Mexican food place downtown. Unfortunately, this place wasn't really prepared for hosting a large group like ours. The service wasn't so great (unless you went to the bar on your own), and the food was just okay. But, they had big buckets of ice on the table just for us! I guess they were afraid we'd run out?!? Here's Jeremy posing with the bucket, as well as the fine serving dishes they gave us - we shared a styrofoam plate.

Today, we took some food from Julia and I over to the Urban's house. Julia is out of town for her baby shower, so Jeremy helped me bring everything in. Here's a good close up of baby Molly, two days old today.

She found a perfect place to sleep all cuddled up in Jeremy's arms. I like to sleep in that spot too, so I was a little worried about the competition. :) She stretched to get comfy just as I snapped this picture so she looks longer than she really is. She is so tiny in Jeremy's long arms!

Julie and I went off to the dining room to work on birth announcements, and came back to find the kids playing Guitar Hero with one really big kid. Here are Ben and Jeremy in intense competition, and Gavin and Grace looking on.

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