Friday, April 10, 2009

Doctor's appointment

I've noticed that my blogs about doctor's appointments are not nearly as exciting as those of my friends... probably because mine involve pain and scarring and theirs involve cute new babies. But I know you guys are interested, so here's the latest update.

I went back to Dr. Laha this morning for my 3 1/2 week checkup. The healing in my foot is progressing really well. They x-rayed it (three views, mom) which I guess is standard procedure to make sure the inside is healing as well as the outside. He took a brief look at the x-rays and said they looked great, and he was going to examine them in more detail this afternoon to double check and call me if there are any problems - which he doesn't anticipate. The foot looks pretty good - WAY better than two weeks ago. He teased me that my middle toe is so bruised because he beat me with a hammer during surgery... haha. Nice. I think Dr. Laha just enjoys having a patient under 65, and is glad I can clip my own toenails (yes, there are old ladies out there who see a podiatrist just for this!!).

He showed me how to massage around my foot, gently, and said that this should get rid of the remainder of the bruising. He also wants me to start working on "bending my toes back and forth" which really means point and flex for those dancers out there. I've tried to point a few times, and it is quite the sight - my brain thinks it's working and you can tell my foot clearly isn't. Something to work on, for sure.

And the biggest news - I'm now allowed to start wearing matching shoes!! They need to be stiff soled, roomy at the toe, and rounded off - which translates to things like crocs and a few flat pairs of shoes I have, nothing too cute yet. As I start feeling comfortable and getting used to walking without a limp, I can add on other shoes as it feels okay. I'm hoping I'll be able to wear heels by Betty's wedding in June!!

I go back in three weeks for another check.

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