Sunday, April 26, 2009

No place like home...

Our plans for Saturday night were pretty low key - I'd planned to go to Julia's to do some scrapbooking and Jeremy was planning to catch up on some reading. The weather seemed to have a few different ideas though! As soon as Jeremy got nice and comfortable taking a nap, we had our first thunderstorm warning of the evening. He grumpily turned off the weather radio, and then it went off again for a tornado warning. Of course, I'm a total weather nerd and I'd been watching the weather downstairs, and it was still pretty far from us, so we felt ok. Then another tornado warning came, and the forecasters thought we could be in the path of the storm.

Our friends Julie and Brandon called and invited us over to their basement - we basically just moved Julia's scrapbooking get-together there. I grabbed my ruby slippers and we rushed right over, laughing at all the other Kansans standing in their front yards with video cameras. We actually never scrapped... but our hosts kept us very entertained all evening! Here are some pictures from the night.

Jeremy and Molly taking shelter in the Urban's basement

Keri and Molly having a great conversation while the boys played Guitar Hero

Another shot of Molly - because who doesn't want to just keep looking at her? She's so precious.

Jeremy and Bryan rocking out. Tour begins soon! :)

Molly's siblings Ben and Grace were at the movies with other family members when the storm came through, so we got to hear about it when they came home. Apparently, the movie was stopped twice, but the biggest things we heard about were the polar bears and the sharks (they saw Disney's Earth).
Grace also told me her latest weather theory. Apparently, thunder is just the noise of the angels moving God's furniture around. Lightning always comes right before thunder, and that's because God has to turn on a light real quick to decide where to move the TV. If that's true, God needs to go on HGTV to show off the remodel after last night!!

Finally, because I'm a huge weather nerd, I thought I'd share some pictures of what we were missing while taking shelter. These pictures were posted online by other Kansans.

Clouds swirling near 6th and Wakarusa near Lawrence. The tornado came out of this about 20 minutes later. (

Lightning strike near Leavenworth. (

Damage in Leavenworth County (

View looking north from 27th and O'Connell. ( For out of towners - this block is fairly close to our house, so this is a picture we could have taken if we were outside.

And finally, a tornado chasing video along I-70. (In case the video doesn't work, here's the link:

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