Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama

I couldn't let today go by without a blog post. I am really enjoying all of the festivities surrounding Barack Obama's inauguration today. We are so blessed to live in a nation where the transition of power can occur peacefully and smoothly, and citizens can witness it and participate in it. It was amazing to see the massive crowds in D.C., as well as the crowds in other cities across the nation.

The junior high where I work had an altered schedule today to allow time for all students to watch the swearing-in and the inaugural speech in their classes. Jeremy came up to school to see it with me, and we joined an 8th grade history class so we could see it on the big screen instead of my tiny computer (Thanks, Kelly!!). I was really impressed with the attention and respect our students gave to the occasion.

In reflecting on it later, I realized that the students we viewed it with were only in 1st grade when 9/11 happened, and probably don't remember a time when we haven't had challenges like the war in Iraq. They might have some memories of segregation from a grandparent's perspective, but certainly don't remember ever seeing it or having a discussion about race and school attendance (which I DO remember back in Odessa in the 1980's). They are just now coming of age and beginning to figure out what they think and believe separately from their parents and family. I wonder how many of them can appreciate the historical nature of what they saw today. For that matter - do I even really get it the same way that some of my older friends and family do?

I know not all of our readers voted for Obama and not all agree with his plans, but I think most would agree that this is a pivotal time in our nation's history. I hope that Americans will continue to take the time to get involved in our democracy, from our neighborhoods on up, regardless of their views on particular issues. I, for one, am excited to see what the next four years will hold and hope that they will live up to their billing.

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