Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A new year, a new blog

Yeah, yeah, I had a blog, and I never wrote on it. I hear you guys, loud and clear. So, rather than update one that is WAY old, I thought, hey, why not start a new blog? New year and all, right?

Of course, since many of you just got our Christmas letter, you've heard a lot about what's going on with our little family. In case you missed it, here are some highlights from 2008.

We celebrated our second wedding anniversary in June with a trip to Wichita. We chose Wichita because our niece, Natalie, celebrated her third birthday over the same weekend.

This summer we also went to the Prichard reunion in Colorado. We hiked, white water rafted, and enjoyed the scenery while visiting with relatives from Jeremy's dad's dad's family.

We also took a trip to California. Jeremy's brother, Adam, graduated from the Defense Language Institute in Monterey. Jeremy's mom, Alesia, came with us, and the four of us toured San Francisco and Monterey. Then Jeremy and I went to San Diego. It was lots of fun!
I'd planned on showing you lots of pictures, but apparently, Shutterfly doesn't link up as easily as it used to. For all of you other bloggers - do you upload your pictures to blogger directly, or do you use another site to host your pictures? Let me know, and I'll post some soon. In the meantime, check out the pictures on facebook. :)
Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I post pictures directly onto my blog...it makes it easy for the non-tech-savvy family members to see the family, and I like having everything in one place. :)
    Yay for a new Keri blog! You can disregard my facebook message since I was asking about your old blog...haha! Love you guys!
