Sunday, January 18, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words

One thing I definitely inherited from my mom is a love of pictures - taking them and looking at them. Most would say I'm not QUITE as crazy on the taking end... love you Mom!

I can spend a whole afternoon playing with pictures and scrapbooking, and I could look at a friend's (or a stranger's) pictures for hours at a time. It's fun to remember good times, and it's neat to experience events that I couldn't attend through the snapshots of others. Video is all well and good, but honestly, give me a wonderful still photo any day. It just captures so much that the moving video misses. Ask any photojournalist and they'll tell you the same thing. Maybe I missed a calling? Anyway...

I'm starting a new project with a lot of old pictures, so you'll hear more about it as I work on it over the next few months. I'm currently getting started with scanning a few old pictures. These aren't necessarily the best quality, but it's fun to look at them. I thought I'd share a few.

Here is one of my parents' engagement photos. They had fall ones just like Jeremy and I did, although theirs isn't quite as realistic. :)

This is a shot from my parents' wedding day, posed here with my dad's sister Gale and his grandmother Granny Henry (short for Henrietta). (PS to my bridesmaids - see, I could have made you wear a hat! I know, I know, it was in style at the time. Good ol' 1976!)

These next two shots are of my great-grandparents on my mom's side. The first are Mammaw and Pappaw (Grandma's parents) and the second are Nanny and Popo (Papa's parents). Both of these pictures were taken before I was born. I was fortunate enough to get to know three of the four of them - in fact, Mammaw lived to her 80's and Nanny and Popo both lived well into their 90's. Very unusual, I know!! I hope I got some of the longevity genes from them.

And one last one for today, this is a shot of my dad's mother, Margie. She died before I was born so I never got to meet her. On the back of this one, I found a note. It said, "Dear Ray, I wish for you all the very very best in life. Love, Mom"

I'll probably post some more as I scan them in - not all of them because you'll see the final project when I'm done, but a few here and there. Hopefully you find them as fascinating as I do.

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