Monday, July 12, 2010


Those of you who read my blog posts regularly (which is all two or three of you, not counting friends on facebook...) know that I am woefully bad at keeping this thing updated. One of the bad sides of having fun, I guess. In any case, here is a brief summary of our wonderful June.

We started off the month with a trip to Texas to visit with my family. It was originally going to be just a trip for me to help my mom clean out her garage... It turned out to be a long visit with friends and family with Jeremy along, and no cleaning was done. We sure did have a great time though! The highlight of this trip was visiting Carlsbad Caverns, NM with Mom and Papa and Grandma.

Eeek, a bear! :)
White City is always good for a tourist trap moment.

At the Natural Entrance. Notice how rested we looked - this was BEFORE the trek down.

Jeremy took this great shot of me with my grandparents and mom.

Papa and Grandma at the Rock of Ages.
I didn't know until this trip that they had gone to the Caverns on their honeymoon, fifty-something years ago.

Peek-a-boo, I see you!

Posing at the sign after our tours

Also on this trip, I got to finally meet Grace, the daughter of my good friend Margaret and her husband Brandt. Grace was a blessing long overdue to this couple, and I was so excited to get to meet her in person, finally!
Keri and Grace

The Sayger Family!
And finally, Jeremy really got to enjoy spending time with my uncle's dog, Brownie. Jeremy has a little bit of puppy fever, but since our rental charges a ridiculous amount for a pet deposit, he'll have to wait a while longer.


After we returned to Kansas, Jeremy's mom and niece came up for a visit. The trip was designed to be a little special time with Grandma as well as aunt and uncle before Natalie's little sister arrived. During the trip, we also attended Jeremy's cousin Katherine's wedding in St. Joe. Busy weekend for sure!

At the T-Rex restaurant at the Legends

Katherine and Corey with both sets of Katherine's grandparents
(the Wagners on the right side are the set that she shares with Jeremy)
Uncle Jeremy and his favorite girl

Katherine, Corey, and Adriana Sanders

Keri and "Baby Ana"

Aunt Keri and Natalie on the first ride of the day

Uncle Jeremy and Natalie on the carousel
Uncle Jeremy and his other favorite girl

Grandma Alesia and Natalie
Yes, this ride DOES look familiar, we rode it twice!
The wonders of traveling with your Aunt, Uncle, and Grandma instead of your parents

"We went here, and then here, and then here..."

Two weeks later, we took a trip out to Hays to see Jeremy's grandparents and his Aunt Marcy (who actually lives in Palco). We had an enjoyable weekend spending time with them. We heard lots of old stories, looked at tons of old pictures (which I loved of course!!), saw some sights in Hays (no, really, there are a couple) and Jeremy even made a Civil War Quilt Block under Marcy's tutelage.

Grandpa showing off his garden to Jeremy. He is a master gardener.

Jeremy sewing with lots of concentration

Marcy and Jeremy working on the quilt block

Jeremy ironing. Did I get a catch or what?

Jeremy and Marcy with the final product!

Jeremy with Grandpa at the Super Croc Exhibit at FHSU's Sternberg Museum

This is how big its thumb claw was. Huge!!

Bad timing, Jeremy - it's Super Croc's lunch time.

We had a traditional Danish meal consisting of frikadeller, boiled cabbage, and potatoes. Thumbs up to all but the cabbage, which allowed for plenty of leftovers.

Jeremy concurs.

And of course, no meal is complete at the Wagners without Grandpa's Rhubarb Delight. I'm not sure it's Danish, but it's delicious all the same.
So that ends your whirlwind tour through our June! Things I left out: a trip to Springfield for Jeremy to do research, high school autism ESY for Keri, and preparing to go to England for July. As I said, it was a crazy busy month!
July is here and I'm catching up on blogging from Cambridge. More posts coming soon!

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