Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fun weekend

We had a great weekend! Here are a few pictures.

First up - Thursday night we went to the Urbans' house for Wheat State Pizza dinner. Julie had PWS (Prichard Withdrawal Syndrome) and Jeremy had MWS (Molly Withdrawal Syndrome) so it was a good remedy for everyone. And yes, I know Thursday's not technically the weekend, but I'm still posting these here.

Jeremy and his buddy Molly

Molly actually lets us tickle her feet now - she used to hate having her feet touched.

Seriously, how could you not love this kiddo?

On Saturday, we attended the wedding of our friends Christine and Karl. We arrived early in the morning to help decorate the reception site, then decorated the church, then went to the ceremony and reception, and then helped clean up. It almost felt like a day trip even though we were just in downtown Lawrence!! I posted a few photos on facebook so I won't repeat them here, and you can see all 364 photos I took at this link:

The happy couple. Congratulations, Karl and Christine!

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