Saturday, May 2, 2009

May Day

Yesterday was a day off for the school district - another snow day that we didn't use this year. Despite not having work, I still seemed to pack the day with as many things as possible.

First, I went to the foot doctor for my six week check. He said things are looking good. I asked him about a little residual soreness and swelling I'm still having (it's minor, but still!) and he said I could reasonably expect to have some of this off and on for the next FOUR OR FIVE MONTHS. Not quite what I was hoping for. The good news is that everything is continuing to look great and he's pleased with my progress. He also said I could take Aleve on a regular basis for any leftover swelling - apparently it's just a lower dose of the prescription meds that I was on. I go back again in mid-June for my final check. I can start activities as I feel comfortable, so I'm planning to head back to Jazzercise next week. Don't worry - I'm just doing some low impact - but I'm going to be super glad to get back to working out and seeing all my friends there!

After the foot doc, I took advantage of my time off in KC to go shopping. I went to Babies R Us, Target, Archiver's, and pretty much every store in Oak Park Mall. I had a great time! I got some baby gifts for upcoming showers, got a few scrapbooking items, and spent the rest of the day looking for a dress and shoes for Betty's and Leslie's weddings this summer. Unfortunately, everything in the stores seems to be made for someone with a body type other than mine. Where are the dresses for the girls who happen to be curvy AND short AND under 60? Finally, after much searching, I found one that looked super cute. Here's a link to a pic of it.

Now for the next step - shoes! I can't wear heels for at least 6 more weeks, so I'm searching for something that will look cute and also be supportive for my poor little foot. I did find something that I sort of liked at Dillard's... until I discovered that little sandal was $98. I'm going to look online today, but feel free to search for me too. :)

Then last night, we had the History Graduate Student Organization's last get-together for the year at Vermont Street BBQ. Part of the business that was discussed was the outgoing of the present board (Jeremy was secretary this year) and the incoming elected board. Jeremy was elected president for the next year! I am super excited for him and I think he will do a great job. I've been told by Jeremy's friends that we need to get a dog since I am now the "first lady"... I had to remind everyone that 1) I'm already like Michelle Obama since I shop at Ann Taylor, and 2) they had two precious little girls BEFORE they got Bo. They also had their student loans paid off from Barack's book deal, and they live in a huge house with a giant lawn. So, we'll see.

Our plans for the rest of the weekend include finishing a craft project that I'm really behind on, addressing and sending some shower invitations, a wine tasting party, a couple of reports for work for me, and some reading/writing/grading for Jeremy. And, oh yeah, not getting the swine flu.